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wff_ng_7 wff_ng_7 is offline
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Posts: 743
Default Cat Food ingredients probably deliberately contaminated

"Steve Pope" > wrote:
> Acording to an article in USA Today, the motive was the
> melamine passes for protein in the customer's testing.
> Thus its addition to wheat gluten and rice protein isolate.

It's not like this kind of thing hasn't happened before, in fact, many times
before. It's happened with wine, it's happened with olive oil, and who knows
what else.

Do people remember the deliberate spiking of Austrian wine with antifreeze
to give lower quality wine more sweetness so it could be sold for more? This
was back in the early 1980s from what I recall. Some people have no problem
putting others health at serious risk, even to the point of killing many, so
they can generate bigger profits. I think that Gordon Gecko's famous line in
the movie "Wall Street" is quite true in real life for some businessmen, and
not just on Wall Street: "Greed is Good"

As much as we might like to believe otherwise, I'm certain that the ethical
and moral standards that businesses operate under in China are much weaker
than in the USA. It's as if they are still in the late 1800s, when the
conditions such as described in Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle" were
prevalent. When we buy food from there, we are subjecting ourselves to all
those problems of eras past. It's as if the clock has been turned back on
food safety.

wff_ng_7 (at) verizon (dot) net