Spaghetti Sauce Question
On Apr 20, 9:27 am, (Steve Pope) wrote:
> Celery can go into either spaghetti sauce or chili, but to
> my mind either runs into the "unauthentic", and the practices
> probably originated by food service companies motivated by cheapness
> (school cafeterias etc.)
> Still, if the celery is the only veg on hand, I'll throw it
> in. After destringing/chopping.
I knew a lady (our kids were in swimming lessons together and we
talked recipes) who was Jewish and was from Italy. She made her
marinara sauce with diced carrots and celery and other vegs I can't
remember but probably garlic and onion and tomato.
The part that I remember the most is that she strained it in the end.
I have always wanted to try that but always leave it chunky.