Aldi's is coming to RI
Just a hop, skip, and a jump from where the new Whole Foods is setting
up shop. While scanning old threads on the topic, I started to
wonder: We have PriceRite, the Shoprite warehouse store. You pay for
your cart (the 25cent lock), bring your own bags or pay, and selection
is limited, but usually there's more than one brand, Pricerite or
generally a name brand, for slightly more $$.
How's Aldi's for produce? Do they have a good selection? Do they
carry anything interesting? Are their brands health-conscious, or the
usual added-salt and corn syrup type of stuff? (I know, that's not
really clear, but I can't think of another way to say it).
Recommendations for which of their store brands are worth buying, and
which to avoid appreciated.
In typical Rhode Island fashion, they described the site for the new
store as "where the Krispy Creme commissary used to be...." <g>
maxine in ri, where Almacs, Finast, and A&P used to be