Spaghetti Sauce Question
On Apr 21, 1:54 am, Puester > wrote:
> All ya gotta do is remember the name of the friend. Call or write and
> ask for the book back. Keeping a book is inexcusable. Keeping a
> cookbook is a hanging offense.
> gloria p
A friend recommended a book for me to read and one of the quotes used
at the beginning of each chapter was:-
For him that stealeth, or borroweth and returneth not, this book from
its owner, let it change into a serpent in his hand and rend him.
Let him be struck with palsy, and all his members blasted.
Let him languish in pain, crying aloud for mercy, and let there be no
surcease to this agony till he sing in dissolution.
Let bookworms gnaw his entrails... and when at least he goeth to his
last punishment, let the flames of hell consume him forever.
Curse on bookthieves, from the monastery of San Pedro, Barcelona
I've made bookplates which I place inside the cover of books I lend
(self sticking variety).... which include this verse!
Not had any problems with unreturned books since... hehehe
I also reserve the right to loan or not to loan to particular friends
or acquaintances. nudge nudge wink wink
Also, I keep a journal of books loaned and to whom and what date, that
way I know how to track them down and meet out punishment as
"Never trust a skinny cook!"
or a 'friend' who borrows but doesn't return willingly, one of your