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Default temperature therapy to modify starter charteristics

Good starter Carl.

Every few years I take a pinch of one of the several Carl's baggies I've
collected and make a working starter. For a few batches is's great: rise
time, including sponge, first rise, and final rise total about 24 hours.
The flavor and texture is everything I could want. Without fail, though,
within a few weeks it evolves into a fast-rising, bland tasting starter
that's not much better than commercial yeast. I want to coax out my
starter's inner Carl, if it's still there.

I've been reading lately that it may be possible to encourage the desired
bacteria components of the starter by cycling it at approximately 85
degrees. I've been doing that for about a week with little or no
improvement but plan to keep at it. I wonder if someone here hase some
experience with seletive starter breeding. Alternately, maybe someone has
an idea about how to keep Carl's Carl's if I decided to start over.