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Rick & Cyndi
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Default Typical packed lunch

"Ranee Mueller" > wrote in message
: In article > ,
: (-L.) wrote:
: > Love note
: > from Mom.
: >
: > This is my typical Husband Lunch.
: Your husband still gets love notes from his mom?
: There was a kid I went to grade school with whose father was
: artist. Every day, his lunch sacks were drawn with these
: pictures with the boy's name hidden in it. He wasn't a very
: boy, but it made other kids want to sit near him to check out
: picture and help find his name. Thinking back on it now,
especially now
: that I am a parent, I am really touched at the love his father
had for
: him to make such an effort every single day to show him he
mattered. It
: was his way of sending a love note.
: Regards,
: Ranee


While I agree that the above is very sweet... it reminds me of
what I used to do for my ex-hubby ... I used to write little
love notes all over the front of his lunch bag... no matter how
tightly he would try to roll the top down - it was still visible.
I'm happy to report, his current wife does the same thing! LOL
And because of this, DxH tries to forget to take his lunch to

Hmmm, I wonder if that's why current DH takes a small igloo for
his lunch instead of a paper bag...?

Cyndi Lovenoter
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