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Samartha Deva[_1_] Samartha Deva[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 133
Default temperature therapy ... ooops!

no wrote:

> I bake yeast bread and/or pizza once or twice a week using Fleischmann's
> from a jar. That jar lives right next to my starter in the fridge. Both
> have airtight lids, for what it's worth. I do make a point of not opening
> my starter jar when I'm messing with commercial yeast, even if there's a
> commercial yeast sponge brewing elsewhere in the kitchen. There's always a
> chance that Fleischmann's has invaded the environment, though. I think I'll
> move the sourdough operation to another room for a while. Thanks for the
> tip.

Baker's Yeast (Fleischmann) doesn't stand a chance in a SD environment -
that's established. 3 days max and they are gone! The remains probably
eaten by LB's.

And - doubtful if the yeasts make spores - the one's from Fleischmann
don't need to - the continuation of their species is taken care of by
humans and that's going on for - ? maybe 3/4 of a century of continuous
human nursing at Fleischmann's - extreme yeast decadence. What do they
get to eat? Cornstarch or something like that.

If you have two kinds of sourdough in the same fridge, it's another story.

And - compare the SD's fed with full grain flours - they are still in
contact with nature and have to compete. Battle hardened warriors
snuffing the yeast wimps for pleasure.

It seems there is a multitude of LB's in a natural sourdough anyway and
just the one's liking the provided environment best, dominate at a given

I would not worry at all with that yeast accomplishing anything on your
