temperature therapy ... ooops!
Samartha Deva wrote:
> Baker's Yeast (Fleischmann) doesn't stand a chance in a SD environment -
> that's established. 3 days max and they are gone! The remains probably
> eaten by LB's.
Michael Gaentzle says 2 feedings will take care of the invaders.
> And - doubtful if the yeasts make spores - the one's from Fleischmann
> don't need to - the continuation of their species is taken care of by
> humans and that's going on for - ? maybe 3/4 of a century of continuous
> human nursing at Fleischmann's - extreme yeast decadence. What do they
> get to eat? Cornstarch or something like that.
Since about 1880 actually. Around 125 years. And, I think it's
molasses. Still not very good....
> I would not worry at all with that yeast accomplishing anything on your
> sourdoughs.
No argument there. Even if your starter is weak, when it revives, it
will kill off the bakers yeast.