" BOB" > wrote in
> I don't know about you, but I like to get the smoke taste
> from...SMOKE!
> That's usually what *we* do around here (a.f.b).
> But, if you have to cook your food in the oven and the liquid smoke
> tastes OK to you, have at it.
> getting ready to take a 13-1/2 pound brisket off the Stump's Smoker
> that's been idling @ about 205° since about midnight with a mixture of
> lump charcoal and hickory
I cooked my brisket in the same way you did. I had a great time and
fantastic dinner. I never do it in the oven and used oak and pecan for
smoke. I do like the taste of real smoke in my barbeque just like "*we
around here" does.
I still think this barbeque sauce is very good. If you look at the contents
of most of the pre-made sauces they contain all kinds of stuff including
liquid smoke, or as they say it: "Added smoke flavor". A lot of people use
Kraft and others, even people posting in group. I imagine the sauce recipe
I posted would be good even without the liquid smoke, but since I obviously
do not conform to what "*we* around here" prefer in all areas I'll stick
to what I, my family and friends, seems to appreciate.