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Vilco[_1_] Vilco[_1_] is offline
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Default Mostaccioli / Penne

Melba's Jammin' wrote:

> Mostaccioli: finished dish or type of pasta? You decide!

Mostaccioli are a kind of biscuits made expecially in central (i.e. Umbria)
and southern Italy. Theyr name comes from the grapevine must ("mosto" in
italian) used in the dough, along with honey and, sometimes, candied fruit.
Theyr shape is that of a finger, maybe that restaurant there is making a
pasta format with a similar shape and size and called them mostaccioli, or
maybe they just don't know nothing about italian food (the dish with
mushrooms and tomato is italian as the Apollo XI rocket is) so they just
found the first italian sounding name and put it on theyr macaronis to give
them a more eye-talian look? Or again: maybe theyr cook is from an area
where they have a kind of pasta they call mostaccioli?
Who knows.
Instead, the second dish (Cappellini with tomato, garlic, basil and olive
oil) is clearly italian: filologically central southern italian, but now you
find dishes like that also here in the north. And it is a very nice treat,
Think pink, drink rose'