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Nancy2 Nancy2 is offline
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Default "Green" fluorescent bulbs

On Apr 21, 4:58 pm, Mark Thorson > wrote:
> Sheldon wrote:
> > On Apr 21, 5:03?pm, Mark Thorson > wrote:
> > > Sheldon wrote:

> > > > $4.44 is a pretty puny electric bill... my minimum charge for no usage
> > > > is $15/mo. My typical electric bill is $175-$200/mo., and I don't

> > > Now that you mention it, I think there may be something
> > > wrong with my electric bill. $4.44 _is_ the minimum charge.

> > > I've heard that sometimes the utility company workers
> > > will skip reading the meter for a month or more, and
> > > then the customer can get hit with a real whopper
> > > of a bill. That might be the case here. Just what
> > > I need. :-(

> > The customer can choose to pay an actual reading or an
> > averaged electric bill. But regardless, nowhere on the
> > planet does anyone receive a $4.44 monthly electic bill.

> My meter is supposed to be read every month. I've
> heard that sometimes the meter readers get lazy and
> don't actually read the meter. Now that I think
> about it, I usually notice when the meter reader
> comes by, and I can't remember the last time that
> happened.
> However, $4.44 is indeed the minimum charge, and
> that is what I was billed. At some point, I may
> have a stupendous bill coming my way. I should
> read that meter myself, and take pictures. This
> could develop into a very unpleasant situation.

Here, we have electronic "readers" - the meter guy just aims his
little gizmo at the meter, and the gizmo reads it and records it. Oh,
wait, that's my water meter. Electric/gas is still to be converted.

I had a double-size electric/gas bill last winter, and it turned out
the reader read the meter wrong. Easy proof (power company foreman
lives next door, and read it himself) and easy revised bill.
