Karen AKA Kajikit wrote:
> On Wed, 25 Apr 2007 15:56:36 +0200, Chatty Cathy
> > wrote:
> >http://www.recfoodcooking.com/
> >
> >Vote now!
> I keep a shopping list pad on the front of the fridge and write
> ingredients down as I run out of them... and before I got shopping I
> take a quick cupboard inventory to check for other things we need. But
> I have a very bad tendency to forget to take the shopping list with
> me!
> And even having that list in hand doesn't guarantee a cheap shopping
> run, or that I'll get everything on it. I have a memory like one of
> those things will all the holes in it...
My memory is like a rusted out sieve... Occasionally something will snag
on one of the rusty edges, but most things just fall through the gaping