On Apr 25, 8:56 am, Chatty Cathy > wrote:
> http://www.recfoodcooking.com/
> Vote now!
Hello all,
In grocery shopping, my anal retentive side shows...
We always shop at the local Kroger. About twelve years ago I prepared
a computer list of the items we buy most often, (mostly) in the order
they're found in the store. Produce, Breads, Cereals, Canned Goods,
etc.... Check box beside each item, and empty spaces in each category
to add items. I print a dozen or so at a time. Mark items as we run
out or as we decide what to make the following week. Saturday morning
it's off to the store with list, checkbook, and (usually) my younger
daughter. I don't have to cross anything off nor search the list,
because most of the items are already in order...
Best -- Terry