Mid-week survey on the RFC site: Shopping lists
"Gregory Morrow" > wrote:
> At my usual Asian place I now strictly limit myself to one small carry
> basket, the first time I went I filled up almost two shopping carts,
> had to take a taxi home...and I'm single, lol.
It's funny, but one does have a completely different perspective when one
goes to the store on foot (or public transportation). I know my limits now
and stick to them after having a hard time carrying home what I bought. If I
take my push cart, I limit myself to a lightly loaded shopping cart worth of
stuff in the store. If I come without my push cart, I limit myself to one of
those carry baskets.
I also find it interesting as to whether cashiers know how to pack for
walking, or for packing a push cart. In suburban stores, they really don't
have a clue. In my local supermarket in the city, most of the cashiers are
experts. That's because I think at least 2/3 of the customers arrive on foot
rather than by car.
My push cart is almost an antique. It's about 40 years old. It used to be my
mother's, but she gave it to me to carry groceries from my car up to my
first apartment, and to take laundry down to the laundry room. The cart is
so old I had to rebuild the "wheel bearings" a year or so ago. It was worth
doing, because like they say, they don't build them like they used to.
wff_ng_7 (at) verizon (dot) net