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wff_ng_7 wff_ng_7 is offline
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Posts: 743
Default Mid-week survey on the RFC site: Shopping lists

"Say Serene Like You Mean It" > wrote:
> We force the limit. We carry one handbasket around the store (total, not
> one each) and stop when it's full or before, because that's about what we
> can comfortably carry home in one shopping bag each (we don't want to
> carry two bags each, both because it makes the carrying harder, and
> because then we couldn't hold hands ;-).

Well, I'm usually walking alone, but I know what you mean about wanting to
have a free hand. I've gone to the store enough times in the rain with an
umbrella, but then can't hold the umbrella up and carry bags in both arms
coming home. I've gotten pretty wet on occassion by making that mistake! ;-)

wff_ng_7 (at) verizon (dot) net