On Apr 26, 4:36 pm, Ted > wrote:
> On Apr 26, 1:02 pm, "Wolf Leverich" > wrote:
> > On 2007-04-26, Alfred E. Newman > wrote:
> > > The liberals want money,they don't give a damn about any enviormental
> > > impact !
> > > Did you see where the doctors, and there FDA board members, are
> > > trying to make herbal medicine illegal ? But the ninth amendment tells
> > > them to go get **** . Shit is going to hit the fan soon, Cho wasn't
> > > shit compaired to what will happen if these idiot are not stopped !!
> > At risk of asking a question that probably admits an obvious
> > answer, why is it that so many self-identified conservatives
> > can't write?
> > - Wolf
> > --
> > Dr. Brian Leverich Co-moderator, soc.genealogy.methods/GENMTD-L
> > Angeles Chapter LTC Admin Chair http://angeles.sierraclub.org/ltc/
> > P.O. Box 6831, Frazier Park, CA 93222-6831
> I did the original post, I am not a conservative but a Green
> Nationalist and quite revolutionary.
I think Brian was referring to the post subsequent to yours.
I'm not quite revolutionary, but I'm with you on the population
problem. It isn't just immigrants to the U.S. either - overpopulation
anywhere is going to have ripples and echoes around the world.
Bruce Jensen