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Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD is offline
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Posts: 24
Default Proofs of LORD Almighty GOD: Pastorio died on April Fool's day, an omer of bread/food (not grain) is still a weight measure, and convicted diabetic neighbor Vicky keeps getting angrier.

convicted neighbor Vicky (percy) wrote:
> Andrew, in the Holy Spirit, boldly wrote:
> > convicted neighbor Don Kirkman wrote:
> >>satan via a sockpuppet (demon) wrote:
> >>
> >>[. . .]
> >>
> >>
> >>>Hey Chung, according to Merriam-Webster, the English abbreviation for
> >>>"pound" is not PD - it's Lb (Capital L + lower case b). The abbreviation
> >>>Pd (Capital P + lower case d) is for "paid." Basically you're calling
> >>>your diet the 2PAID-OMER Diet.
> >>
> >>No, historically it began as the Two Pound Diet

> >
> > Incorrect.
> >
> > It started as the 2 Pound Diet Approach with my own patients.
> >
> > Others chose to shorten the name to the catchier 2 Pound Diet or 2PD.
> >
> > OMER is an acronym that stands for Original Method of Eating Reduction
> > while also serving to remind us about the Biblical concept of omer,
> > which teaches us that there is one right amount of food for all
> > (Exodus 16:16).

> You ****ing liar.

It remains my choice to continue writing truthfully.

> You spent weeks and weeks insisting to Bob Pastorio
> that an omer was a unit of weight and not volume, which is bullshit.

The Biblical omer of manna remains a weight measure of bread/food (not

> Now it's an acronym?

OMER is an acronym.

> Yet again, google kicks you right in the nuts.

Many thanks, much praise, and all the glory to GOD for compelling you
to unwittingly show that Pastorio, like Kirkman and yourself, lacked
the ability to understand the Biblical omer concept of one right
amount of bread/food for everyone. Laus Deo ! ! !

The brethren of LORD Jesus Christ are neither perfect nor

.... we are simply forgiven:

May you wisely choose to be forgiven too by publicly declaring with
your mouth that "Jesus is LORD:"

Prayerfully in Jesus' awesome love,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD

"Unlike the 2PD-OMER Approach, weight loss diets can't be combined
with well-balanced diets."