Willamette Valley tour
Just got back from working in Oregon and Seattle and have never done
much wine tasting there. Went to Willamette Valley and hit every open
winery. Some impressions. Tori Mor absolutely hit the heights of the
smoothest silkiest example of Oregon Pinot Noir and Domaine Serene the
most powerful as well as Domaine Serene Viognier/Pinot Gris Blend with a
bit of oak in it. What a great taste. Enjoyed Archery Summit,
disappointed in several including Lange that was highly rated. Very
pedestrian Pinot Noirs were the rule at many places with the most
expensive tasting cost I have ever seen (makes Napa look like a bargain)
and my biggest disappointment was that Chelhalem, a maker of some
wonderful Pinot Noirs, had sold their liqour license to a grocer and no
longer does tastings. Also disappointed that all of the wineries in
Carlton were closed on Tuesdays and there were some very promising ones
to hit. Now will have to try a Washington tour though the wineries are
no where near as convenient to get to as Oregon. With only about 4 hours
of driving I could get to almost all of the Willamette Valley wineries
and that counted time getting lost. They are well hidden on some back