Nancy Young said...
> "Andy" <q> wrote
>> Nancy Young said...
>>> "Andy" <q> wrote
>>>> Microfarms at Rose Tree Park
>>>> Media, PA
>>>> May 2, 2007
>>>> A cool morning in May, down on the farms.
>>>> Andy
>>>> Not a microfarmer.
>>> I'm in love with that whole thing. I wish they'd find a way
>>> to get water into there, because lugging it has to be a big
>>> deal.
>> OH, OH!!!!
>> nancy,
>> They installed two water spigots this year!!!
>> VERY happy microfarmers!!!!!!
> That's fantastic! I'm serious. A lot of people are not able
> to do that heavy lifting. And what a hassle even if you could.
> nancy
I have half a mind (don't worry!) to put up an information board for
Freebie "What's Growing on Here?" info sheets, microfarm diagrams, owners,
what's growing through the season updates on each microfarm, how it all
works, who it helps, a visitor guestbook, these season time-lapse photos,
I'll have to submit a plan to the county for an OK if I decide to go that