About asparagus
Skyhooks wrote:
> OK, first of all, I don't eat the stuff. But the recent threads about
> asparagus have me very curious! Just what does asparagus look like if
> it doesn't get picked to be eaten and grows to maturity? I tried to
> google, but I'm not sure what I'm looking for <g>. Can someone provide
> a URL/website that has a photo of asparagus when it's fully mature?
> TIA.
> Sky
I can't send you a photo, but I can tell you that the stalk grows to ~3
feet tall, and the "scales" at the top turn into ferny branches, spaced
relatively far apart.
Are you familiar with the houseplant "asparagus fern"? Its branches
look much like the branches of overgrown vegetable asparagus, but they
sprout from the bottom rather than along the stem as the vegetable does.
Eventually the veg develops small berries on the branches which I've
always assumed were seed pods.
gloria p