Thread: About asparagus
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Skyhooks Skyhooks is offline
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Posts: 369
Default About asparagus

Puester wrote:
> Skyhooks wrote:
> > OK, first of all, I don't eat the stuff. But the recent threads about
> > asparagus have me very curious! Just what does asparagus look like if
> > it doesn't get picked to be eaten and grows to maturity? I tried to
> > google, but I'm not sure what I'm looking for <g>. Can someone provide
> > a URL/website that has a photo of asparagus when it's fully mature?
> > TIA.
> >
> > Sky

> I can't send you a photo, but I can tell you that the stalk grows to ~3
> feet tall, and the "scales" at the top turn into ferny branches, spaced
> relatively far apart.
> Are you familiar with the houseplant "asparagus fern"? Its branches
> look much like the branches of overgrown vegetable asparagus, but they
> sprout from the bottom rather than along the stem as the vegetable does.
> Eventually the veg develops small berries on the branches which I've
> always assumed were seed pods.
> gloria p

Yes, I'm familiar with 'asparagus fern' house plants. Thanks for your
detailed description. It definitely helps
