Thread: Road trip food
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serene serene is offline
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Default Road trip food

We've probably had this thread several times, but what the hell.
I'm getting ready to make a list of road snacks to take on our trip
to San Diego, and I thought I'd post it here and ask y'all what you
take, to get ideas. The trip down will take us most of the day,
stopping in LA on the way, then going on to northern San Diego
county; since we'll be having lunch in LA with friends, there's no
need to worry about having too much "real food" along. On the way
back up, however, I'll probably pack a cooler full of sandwiches or

My required road-trip foods are barbecued corn nuts and
sweetened-no-lemon iced tea; everything else is negotiable.


Trail mix (I make it myself by getting all the nuts and fruits I
like from the bulk bins -- I dislike peanuts, so I don't like buying
it pre-made)

Apples and bananas


I think I'll buy some kind of potted meat or something for James to
have on crackers, but I know he'll really be jonesing for the
rest-stop vending-machine sandwiches. I know, I know.

Peanuts in the shell for James -- he loves them and they're good for
his protein

Bottled water, diet soda, and iced tea
