Potato/onion Storeage?
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Jan Flora
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Potato/onion Storeage?
In article >,
> On 19 Oct 2003 16:08:38 GMT, Waldo Centini
> > wrote:
> >
> >Last bit is correct, but in my experience a fridge is too cold. Just store
> >them, both onions and potatoes in a cool and dark place. Keep onions and
> >potatoes well apart.
> And if you don't have the proverbial 'cool and dark place'?
> We don't, most seasons of the year.
> I think they both keep better in the fridge than in a warm
> place.
> Pat
It sounds like ya'll aren't growing spuds as a crop, to last you all
winter. We do. We store them in a root cellar that stays 40F. and
whatever we don't eat up by next planting season gets used as "seed
spuds." (I grew 6 different varieties of spuds this year. They all did
pretty well. Our blue spuds and Artic Rose's did *really* well.)
I don't grow onions for storage, so can't comment on storing onions
and spuds together. We buy big yellow onions at the grocery store,
and will climb over the top of people to get to the Walla Walla's
when they show up here.
Jan, in Alaska
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