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Kent Kent is offline
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Default Homemade pizza and garlic and cheese calzones... was Dominos Meat Pie Pizza

"Sheldon" > wrote in message
(Steve Pope) wrote:
> PeterL wrote:
> >2-1/4 cups plain flour

> Any idea what sort of flour "plain flour" is? I would think
> you'd use a high-protein bread flour for pizza, but what do
> I know.

And 2-1/4 cups is not nearly enough flour to 1 cup of water for pizza
dough... need more like 3-1/4 cups flour, high glutton winter wheat
flour... all purpose flour is probably what's meant by "plain", but
that won't produce pizza dough. And I like to add a few healthy
grinds of fresh black pepper to my pizza dough.

Your flour/water ratio is too dry. 3cups flour to 1.25 cups water
yields the moist dough you need to make the proper pizza, at least
in my cerebrally constipated mind. The "correct" recipe for pizza
dough, however, is somewhat like the "correct" recipe for naan. On
one Indian cooking site alone there were 20 recipes for naan.
It's in the mind of the person throwing the dough, or stretching it, or
"horrors" rolling it out.
