Japan says: Whales are eating too much fish
On May 4, 3:32 pm, Sheldon > wrote:
> Minke whales (there are two types) very occasionally feed on eel and
> small fish but the vast majority of their diet consists of krill...
> they are in no way a threat to the fishing industry... in fact they
> filter the ocean water to such a degree that sea life of all kinds can
> better flourish, and in turn that clearer water permits a greater
> degree of sunlight to greater depths which promotes greater
> photosynthesis thereby keeping a check on the so-called global warming
> theories... the ocean's plants are far more instrumental than the land
> forests in keeping the nature of this planet in balance. Baleen
> whales are the Dysons of the seas.
Minke whale eat fish and krill.