Making your own Pasta Sauce
On May 4, 6:05 pm, Drew Cutter > wrote:
> Want to produce around 20
> qt. of sauce for the next coming year.
You need about 8 bush-style (the familiar "Roma" tomatoes) or 5 of the
larger, climbing vine types (San Marzano's are typical), which you
will need to stake or cage. Unless you have big sauce pots, you should
get "indeterminate" seed varieties. This simply means the plants
produce fruit throughout the season. A "determinate" plant produces
and ripens all fruit once. If you like sweeter sauce, add one super-
sweet micro-tomato like Yellow or Red Pear to your garden for blending
I know everyone spec's basil as the herb of choice. But I'd get a
little Marjoram in the ground too. It's the connoisseur's "oregano"