Pulled pork
My wife had some pulled BBQ pork at her sisters' house last week end.
The Arrg! comes from what my wife told me about what my sister in law
calls "real pulled BBQ pork".
My sister in law and her husband both know good food and fine dining
"because they eat at great resturants" almost every night.
Back to the "real pulled BBQ pork".
Pork roast (rolled) placed in a crock pot with Open Pit deluted with
water. Remove, do NOT drain, pour remainder Of Open Pit over it, mix,
serve on hamberger buns.
While gagging I attempted to ask if her sister put liquid smoke in it.
My wife understood what I was trying to ech out and explained that the
couple does not like "smokie" meat.
It gets better.....
Last fall I Q'ed some pork. Nice marble. Dry rubbed, rubbed mustard on
them, more dry rub, triple sealed in plastic rap and in the fridge
over night. got up at 5 a.m., removed the pork from the fridge. Got
the r2dt going. Put more of my rub on the o'l pig. Smoked those babies
with mesq. & hick. (3-1 mix) and smoked my sauce for 12 hours at
220-225. Yanked those suckers at 190, rested'em, pulled'em, and fed
me, my wife, 3 brother's in law, another sister in law, my daughter,
my mother in law, and the "crock pot" sister in law.
Everyone wondered how I managed to "grill" a big roast so fast. Hell,
they were only there for the last hour the pig was on!
I laughed. The beer I started hittin since around 2:00 p.m. helped.
"Crock pot sis (as I now call her) said she never tasted pork so good
(remember, she does not like smoke taste). She asked if she could take
some home to her husband because "Jim will think it is the best thing
he ever ate". Hehehe. Looking at my sister in law and trying to keep a
stright face, I agreed.
She also wanted to take some extra for her, for later.
Jump to last week end. As crock pot sis laddled her pork goop over a
hamberger bun and handed it to my wife she remarked, "Tell your
hubsand how good this is. We think it comes very close to his"!
Wife took one bite. She filled her self on the potato chips that were
served with the "second best pork" my sister in law ever had.
About this time I am on the floor laughing so hard my face hurts!
I just had to ask my wife how she liked it!
She damn near ****ed her self trying to tell me how awful it was. Her
mother and one brother couldn't eat it either.
The real ****er is, I told crock pot sis every thing I did to cue the
pork when she 1st had it. Told her husband too (she call to say how
much he loved it).
Crock put sis thought her version was alot less work and came "close
Tomorrow morn I cue more pork. Crockpot sis is not invited. Good
enough indeed.
If you ain't gonna take the time to at least TRY to cue. Don't call it