What's wrong with using pepper out of a can?
Andy wrote:
> ~~ Shelly ~~ said...
> > OK, it's obvious now that I'm an *interested* cook, but have had not had
> > any advanced training. What am I missing? What is wrong with
> > pre-ground, pre-packaged pepper? Please enlighten me.
> >
> >
> Always use fresh where you can. Much more intense flavor than ground/stale
> herbs and spices.
> Good cooks will opt for:
> Fresh ground nutmeg
> Fresh ground pepper
> Fresh grated Parmesan cheese
> etc., etc.
I find fresh ground pepper to have a much nicer flavour than pre ground,
the latter missing most of the zip and having more of the funky taste to
it. I was never able to get nutmeg any way other than pre ground in a can
until a few years ago. Now that I have "fresh" nutmeg and a grater it is
like a whole different spice, much better than the canned stuff. I grew up
thinking of Parmesan as the stuff that comes in a can, even in Italian
restaurants. Since the real think was more readily available I always buy
a wedge of it and grate it as needed.