Behold in wonder and amazement at the words of satan coming from one
of his sockpuppets in its futile attempt to discourage type-2
diabetics from losing all their visceral adipose tissue (VAT) to
possibly cure their diabetes:
Here is the way to lose all the VAT without the high risk and
suffering of bariatric surgery where the morbidly obese are physically
forced to eat less down to the right amount:
This Approach now comes with a million-dollar guarantee:
Let's watch satan's futile attempts to convince folks not to try the
2PD-OMER Approach.
Perhaps he will start paying folks millions to stay diabetic.
May GOD annihilate satan and his puny sockpuppets soon.
Marana tha
Prayerfully in Jesus' awesome love,
Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
"Unlike the 2PD-OMER Approach, weight loss diets can't be combined
with well-balanced diets."