<RJ> wrote:
> On 6 May 2007 13:48:11 -0700, Sheldon > wrote:
>>"<RJ>" wrote:
>>> The State of Minnesota claims that medical claims from smokers cost
>>> the taxpayers $303.7 million bucks.
>>I would say that MN is giving an extremely low estimate, the actual
>>costs are probably more than thrice that, that number only represents
>>claims, not real costs.
>>And if I asked you if you smoke and you say no I'll bet you're
>>lying... RJR! LOL
> But this assumes that every smokers medical expenses are being covered
> by the state !
If you want more silliness, there's an argument in another group right
now about how much bicycle riders that don't use helmets cost all of us.
> If that were true, people who can't afford medical insurance would
> take up smoking for the coverage ......
What? There's no government Frequent Smokers Plan?
> I smoked back when it was a rite of passage to adulthood.... then I
> quit. Haven't had a cig. in over 30 years.
20 years here. After 20 years of smoking, ending up at 2.5 packs a day,
I quit in April 1987. At todays prices, I'd be paying (Smokes are
what, US$4 a pack, now? That's what I used to buy cartons for) US$3,600
a year to smell really bad.
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