In article om>,
maxine in ri > wrote:
> On May 6, 5:53 pm, "Default User" > wrote:
> > maxine in ri wrote:
> > > to the potluck this coming Friday. Hmmm, hotdish. Isn't that a mid-
> > > western phenomenon of the casserole kind?
> >
> > Not really. That's pretty much limited to Minnesota, I believe. It's
> > certainly not common in this part of the midwest. More likely they
> > asked you to bring a hot dish, which could be casserole or could be
> > something else.
> >
> > Brian
> They definitely asked for a hot dish, but I just like the idea of
> "hotdish". It sounds so homey
> maxine in ri
Atta girl! One definition I just saw said the term was used by lower
middle class Minnesotans. Harummpphhh!
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ - blahblahblog - Orange Honey
Garlic Chicken, 3-29-2007