What's the least expensive wine you've enjoyed?
> > Wow, several Borsao references here. I'll add another, the "regular"
> > Borsao has been a perennial favorite in our house,. it used to be
> > close to $4 - now more like $7.
> Dale,
> Any idea what the full name of the regular Borsao might be? I'm clueless
> about Spanish wine appelation names. would that be the 'Bodegas Borsao
> Borsao Campo de Borja'?
> Thanks,
> Jon
> Jon,
> that sound right. The one with the black background on label.
Picked up a bottle last week and tried it over the weekend. Very nice. This
Borsao is a blend of 75% Garnacha and 25% Tempranillo, while the Vina Borgia
Campo de Borja was 100% Garnacha. The blend had a much softer, more
'finished' feel to it.
We had a bit left that I'm going to use in a reduction sauce for some duck
I'm making tonight.