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blake murphy blake murphy is offline
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Default OT, but relevant

On Mon, 07 May 2007 01:26:51 GMT, "wff_ng_7" >

>"Blinky the Shark" > wrote in message
>> wff_ng_7 wrote:
>>> Take a look at the following summary of the boycott idea on
>>> The problem is a one day event won't do a damn thing, in spite of that
>>> mythical boycott in April 1997. People have to change their habits
>>> long term, and so far there seems to be very little inclination to do
>>> that. Gas probably will have to get to $4/gallon for people to make
>>> any effort.

>> We could probably find that being said not so long ago about two- and
>> three-buck gas. I suspect that shows that the Effort Threshhold
>> is always going to be just far enough out of reach that by the time
>> prices reach it a higher one will have replaced it. Paradoxically but
>> inaccurately, let's blame Zeno.

>I definitely remember it being said that $2 gas and $3 gas would result in a
>change. People only change their habits if the increase happens real fast so
>that it is a shock... a real shock to their finances. Less than that, and the
>only response is whining.

thank god whining is still free!

your pal,