wff_ng_7 wrote:
> "Default User" > wrote:
>> Peter A wrote:
>>> In article >,
>>> says...
> Needless to say, I don't have a whole lot of sympathy for people that
> are driving big SUVs on 50 mile each way commutes. I might
> commiserate with a Honda Fit driver who stays close to home though!
> ;-)
That may be, but my husband needs a larger vehicle because he is a carpenter
and he has to haul generators, drills, saws, sawhorses, nails, etc. And he
drives anywhere from over an hour to an hour and a half to a job. The thing
is, he's employed and many carpenters in this area are not. We're grumbling
about the gas increase because our budget is tight as it is, but again, he's
working. On the plus side, I don't have a car so we only have to worry
about one car payment, one insurance payment and gas for the one SUV.