On May 8, 7:08?am, Andy <q> wrote:
> Chatty Cathy said...
> >http://www.recfoodcooking.com/
> > Vote now!
> I think it's rude. I wouldn't say anything, probably just remove them from
> the guest list.
Wouldn't bother me (depending on the meal) it would just confirm
they've got taste-in-ass disease. Had I prepared breakfast I'd expect
folks would salt their eggs before tasting. Were it a bowl of chili
they salted before tasting that would definitely confirm a tasteless
taste-in-asser. And with some dishes I may feel offended if the
majority salted *after* tasting, like a bowl of soup (says this
flavorless swill sucks, only lottsa s n' p will save it).
Btw, speaking of culinary poetic license last night I decided to fix
myself a bloody mary. I employed all the usual ingredients including
the obligatory celery stick but used fresh lime (ran out of lemons-
already on the list for todays shopping) and even added a dab of
horseradish. But still it seemed lacking so after passing up the
pickle juice I stirred in a glug of Heinz ketchup, mahvelous! I
renamed it a Bloody Stanly. Hey, ordering a BS is better than
ordering a BM. hehe