"Kent" > wrote in message
. ..
> "Peter" > wrote in message
> news:RV60i.16938$Vi6.15968@edtnps82...
>>I usualy cook my steaks a la Alton Brown. Cast iron fried and finished in
>>the oven. Someone posted a video of a similar process in reverse,
>>baked then fried for a nice medium rare.
>> Does someone have such a link for this video? Apparently I didn't
>> bookmark it the first time around.
> I posted it after reading the article in the latest Cook's Illustrated.
> Here is the URL: http://cooksillustrated.com/byissue.asp#topOfPage
> I tried it. I have mixed emotions about it, though I didn't heat the steak
> to 90F, rather 80F, and I seared it on a hot charcoal grill. It would
> probably be
> best done in a pan, as the video shows. That also gives you some beef to
> deglaze
> to make a sauce while the meat is resting.
> Also, I would try this first with a 2.5" hunk of sirloin from the "short
> end" of the sirloin.
> If you do get some grey, there will be a lot of rare left over. I think
> it's very
> important to rest the steak for 10 minutes, to allow the temp to
> equilibrate. The
> center of the steak cooks to a slightly higher temp. while the heat
> equibrates, and the
> periphery doesn't get any more heat. If you don't do that you'll end up
> with a raw
> center.
> Good Luck,
> Kent
Thanks Kent. That is the video I was remembering. I cooked my steak
before you reposted the link. I ended up just tryng something out... I
broiled my steak with the thermometer with the oven rack on the top shelf,
evenly on both sides until it hit about 52 celsius at which point I moved it
too the stove top which I had preheated and seared quickly on both sides
until 60 celsius. I then let it rest. It came out "ok", I think a
slightly lower temp would have served better. Considering I was randomly
guessing at the method.. not a bad steak, I think it was comparable to the
reversed way.