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Emma Thackery Emma Thackery is offline
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Posts: 575
Default Food Safety Discussion

Diane Rehm did a show yesterday on this topic that may be of interest to
some. Part of the discussion covers the fact that the FDA did not
include the chemical breakdown agents in its risk analysis of melamine
in chickens and other products. Yet, scientists think these chemical
byproducts (ie - cyanuric acid) are far more dangerous than the melamine
and may be the cause of most of the unhealthy effects.


Once again, my personal assessment is that the FDA appears to go to
great lengths, both unethical and illegal, to ensure that the food
industry profits are in no way affected by these contamination
scenarios. If it does not kill people outright, they appear to get away
with ignoring the contamination almost completely. After all, if some
of us get liver (or whatever) cancer 15 years from now as a result, they
can always say it is impossible to blame it on any specific trigger.
