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Cindi - HappyMamatoThree Cindi - HappyMamatoThree is offline
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Posts: 381
Default Baking with Splenda

"Frank103" > wrote in message
> Does anyone have any personal experience using Splenda as a sugar
> substitute when baking cookies, muffins, etc. ? What do you find works
> best? I went to and read that some modification is needed
> when baking certain things such a layer cake, which needs the addition of
> baking soda and powered milk for increased volumn. I was in a supermarket
> this morining and compared sugar-free Jello with the regular Jello.
> Sugar-free weighed point 3 oz. Regular weighed 3 oz. So I can see where
> sugar does add bulk. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

I have tried Splenda in a variety of recipes and some work some don't. Bread
bakes up far better with regular sugar than with Splenda. I have tried half
and half sugar to Splenda and still not been satisfied.

Splenda does not cream with butter as well as sugar either. Meringue doesn't
come together at all with Splenda.

I would look for recipes written specifically for Splenda or just trial and
error it through your favorite recipes.

Good Luck


> Frank