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Posted to London London is offline
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Default What's wrong with using pepper out of a can?

"Sheldon" > wrote in message

You're full of shit... that's what you eat in your own abode. Even
the Super 8 motor lodge free breakfast buffet has fresh croissants
with real butter, among lots of other good stuff. When I was in
France the food sucked, can't get a good steak regardless what you're
willing to pay, and their adult portions wouldn't satisfy a 12 pound
cat... I traveled Europe extensively and never saw decent food
anywhere, their best ain't as good as the typical US chain joint.
Euro food is not fresh, it's not refrigerated, and it's certainly not
clean... they don't even wash the human feces off the salad...just
like their women. And the friggin' disgusting french never STF up...
because of their language you can actually see the projectile spittle
flying out the mouths of their food handlers all over what you're
gonna eat. The French language is among the most unsanitary on the


You are a ****in' clueless and gormless ****, Shekky.

The above comments show you for exactly what you are. . . a ****!!

Travel Europe?? Tell me about it.

