On 8 May 2007 08:52:08 GMT, ceed > wrote:
>Nick Cramer > wrote in news:20070507185307.467
>> I don't think Ceed is saying he makes Q in the crock pot (if he is, give
>> him time . . . he'll experience the joy of discovery), but Corned Beef &
>> Cabbage (with perhaps potatos parsnips, turnips, carrots, celery and
>> spices). Corning a brisket is easy, but takes a while.
>Interesting seeing you say: "Corning a brisket is easy". How do I do that?
>I have also been wondering why it's called "corned" beef. Do you know?
Go here
http://www.zenreich.com/ Alan has a proven recipe/procedure
for Corned brisket that he is kind enough to share.