On May 8, 6:31 am, Julia Altshuler > wrote:
> Nancy Young wrote:
> > I can't take it personally. Some people just do salt their food without
> > tasting it.
> I'm one of them. I like salt. I like the stronger taste of salt when
> it has just been put on the food. Not everyone has my salt habit so I
> don't cook with it, but I do put it on my own portion. Restaurant food
> is usually oversalted so I don't use the shaker there, but in my own
> home and in the homes of friends, I know the food won't have salt so I
> use the shaker. Why should the first bite taste bad?
If you like lots of salt, but don't like the grittiness of regular
table salt, try this:
It is much cheaper than any other brand of popcorn salt I've ever
Find a salt shaker with small holes. Often you can just reverse the
roles of salt and pepper shakers, which is also good because pepper
shakers seldom dispense pepper quickly enough for my tastes. Of
course at home I grind the pepper fresh.
At fast food places like McD's & BK, the salt in the little packets is
very fine ground, whereas the stuff in the shakers on the table is
regular. I always use the packets.
> --Lia