Good Eats
In ,
Scott > took a deep breath, sighed and spoke thusly:
> Just a FYI: Alton Brown has a special on jams on Food Network
> "Urban Preservation I: Jam Session
> Nobody seems to make jam anymore and Alton has wondered why. It is a
> time-honored tradition, and it's easy and delicious. Alton is on a
> mission to make canning common again! Using good science and easy
> methods, Alton will show you how to jam. Recipe: Spiced Blueberry
> Jammin'"
> November 25, 2003 11:30 PM ET/PT
> November 26, 2003 3:30 AM ET/PT
We must be nobodies, then, in this group since many of us do make jam. Stupid Food
Having abandoned my search for the truth, I am now looking for a good