"jmcquown" > wrote:
> wff_ng_7 wrote:
>> "How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb" (Dr.
>> Strangelove)...
>> see http://tinyurl.com/fzrgk
> Yeah, Sam something (Peckinpah?)
Slim Pickens!
Other actors in the movie were Peter Sellers (playing several roles), George C.
Scott and James Earl Jones.
>> ObFood: My Joy of Cooking (1970s edition) has the warning not to
>> drink water contaminated by fallout, along with another mention of
>> hominy being an anti-strontium absorbent!
> I happen to like hominy
I have no clue what strontium is therefore I
> must be against it. LOL
Strontium 90 is in radioactive fallout. It is absorbed into the body as if it
were calcium and gets in the bones... not good.
wff_ng_7 (at) verizon (dot) net