In article . com>,
kuvasz guy > wrote:
> Any news on how she's doing?
> ..fred
From a note in mid-late April:
"I'm doing okay. Been busy.
As for me, it's the same ol' same ol'. Meds knock me out, so I nap 2-3
times a day for 2 hours at a time. Sciatica's acting up, but not to a
crippling degree. Just annoyingly painful. LOL!
Feel free to pass along any or all of this info to anyone who might
care. You noticed it took me two days to respond. I'm not doing too
great with e-mails right now. Okay, I'm extremely depressed right now.
I try to pretend everything's okay, but that doesn't always work as well
as I'd hope."
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ - blahblahblog - Orange Honey
Garlic Chicken, 3-29-2007