On May 10, 7:07 pm, JoeP > wrote:
> On May 10, 11:09 am, markm75 > wrote:
> > I know this has been discussed to death in other parts.. but I'm
> > wondering if this status has changed much in recent days...
> > I'm still assuming I'll get the best flavor (charcoal flavor) with
> > things like burgers and hot dogs on a purely charcoal grill...
> > But now there are things like charcoal flavored devices that you can
> > use on a gas grill (sorry I dont know much about these).. I've read
> > the lava rocks arent always so great (they work from the fat dripping
> > on them then the scent rising up through the food?)..
> > So i'm faced with the decision of going gas or charcoal and getting a
> > bigger (higher up vertically) type grill...
> > Gas is clearly cheaper to use and faster to get going and less fuss,
> > can i use any types of these flavor devices to at least come somewhat
> > closer to the nice taste of a charcoal grill?
> > I've also heard good things about cooking steaks on a gas grill using
> > mesquite marinades and flavor bars etc...
> > Either way i've seen decent size charcoal and gas grills for the same
> > price, currently about $150 for the size/type i want...
> As someone who's eyes have recently been opened, Go with a charcoal
> Weber Kettle and get a Weber Performer if you can. The weber performer
> has a propane starter and a neat way to discard the ashes. Next get
> lump charcoal. I've been using a gas grill for decades and it is so
> amazing to have new reasons to enjoy things like Ribeye steaks,
> Heberew nationals, burgers, fish, eggplant,etc.. The flavor is amazing
> and the "juicyness" that is retained from a charcoal BBQ is amazingly
> better. I am still discovering the different smoking methods but so
> far I like Pecan wood and Applewood along with my Mesquite or oak lump
> Charcoal. Its my new opinion that Gas grills no matter what type of
> propoganda "flavor-enhancers" do really nothing to the taste.
> Joe- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
Hey thanks for the replies all.. Sorry if these questions are dumb or
ignorant.. I've been a couple a times a year griller until now:
Locally i had two friends say two different things.. one swears that
gas with those flavor devices does taste almost as good as charcoal..
while the other only uses gas if he's in a hurry. I still would think
that gas (without flavor bars) would be no different in taste than
using a foreman grill?
Online the general voting seems to be gas with flavor devices doesnt
yield anything (i had a few say otherwise though.. perhaps they were
tasting something others couldnt, i dont know)..
That weber gas ignition grill intrigued me.. However, other charcoal
grills like this one:
I would think have much more surface area to cook on.. and that handy
charcoal removal device (I'm guessing based on what you said, the
weber gas one has some way to dispose of the ashes neatly too?)
$138 for more surface area and the use of lighter fluid and a striker
or $300 for the weber for ease of lighting (are there other advantages
too.. do you use lighter fluid)?
Do I have any of this close on the weber gas (ignition) grill part?
Would you say its area would definitely be less than that other one?
Finally, What is Killford.. is that a brand of charcoal? I cant
remember what brand I get at the store.. generally anything on sale..
often the stuff with lighter fluid already on them, though i guess
dumping your own on works better at times.. Arent those bags of coals
generally lump style? What is the other charcoal type?
I could have sworn i read something about the FDA recommending to wait
until the charcoal was completely white for health hazard reasons?
At this point i'm back to leaning on definitely going with the larger
grill (charcoal).. either the performer or the other one (I have a
small ground based weber currently).