Sheldon wrote:
> "jmcquown" wrote:
>> notbob wrote:
>>> Ran across this I-can-do-it-for-only-$200 kitchen utensil article:
>>> Not my choices by a long shot. No microwave? "Teach yo' grandma
>>> ta....!"
>>> What do you think?
>> I could easily get by without a microwave. Grandma (either one of
>> them) were good cooks when they bothered. Basic cooking equipment
>> such as shown there was the norm and really all that is required.
>> I'd prefer to have a grill, but even that isn't essential. Hell,
>> I've cooked with much less equipment in a motel room on a hot plate
>> and turned out some good food. Equipment (as the article says)
>> doesn't make you a good cook. Most of the name brands (IMHO) are to
>> make you feel good about yourself, not much to do about cooking. But
>> then again I don't have a TV show on The Food Channel.
> No one needs an indoor countertop grill. If your stove has a broiler
> you already have an indoor grill. The ONLY reason people install
> countertop grills is because they have more dollars than brain cells
> plus a tremendous snob quotient.. everyone gets to see that grill, no
> one sees your broiler.
Did I say something about an indoor grill?! I was referring to the good ol'
outdoor charcoal variety. I don't have an indoor grill unless you count
this gadget with a water ring that was given to me as a gift 20 some years
ago. I'd hardly call it a grill, though.