"Dog3" > wrote in message
> "WiScottsin" > deliciously posted in
> :
> > Is it just me or does it seem like chipotle is becoming the new trendy
> > flavor out there? Everyone seems to have some kind of a chipotle
> > sauce or marnade or something lately. I even saw a commercial last
> > night for a fast food chain ( can't remember which one ) that had some
> > kind of chipotle dipping sauce.
> >
> > Don't get me wrong, I love 'em!
> I'm not sure if it's a fad here or not but I am seeing a lot of chipotle
> restaurant dishes. I have always used them and I love chipotle salsa and
> make a killer chipotle and white cheddar mashed 'tater dish. I don't know
> if chipotle is just becomming popular here in the midwest or people are
> actually beginning to appreciate them.
> Michael
Just another cool thing that's caught on with the g.p. Chipotles have been
enjoyed on this continent wayyy before the white boys even dreamed of
building boats to come here. A couple of years ago it was wasabi; you saw
wasabi mashed potatoes, wasabi this, wasabi that.
What's next? People giving a shit about where their food comes from? And
what's added to it? ahahahahahaha!! sounds like a buncha earthy-crunchy
granola types buying meat and fish in small markets and using unprocessed
ingredients in their cooking. Cracks me up.
Jack Organic