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Marie Martinek
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Default Foodsaver Question

In article >, Dan Logcher > wrote:

>I was thinking of doing this for milk. I hate running out of milk and
>not having any for my morning coffee. How well do you think milk would
>handle being frozen for a month or two?
>BTW, I've been freezing liquid marinade with meats this way for a while.
>I find when the meats thaw, they draw in the liquid marinade.

1% lo-fat and skim milk freeze just fine. 2% and whole, you un-do the
homogenization, and get milkfat floating on the top. Well, you do with the
1% as well, but it's so little that we just shake the container before we
pour it.

But why would you vaccuum seal the milk? Just pop the gallon in the
freezer, and the plastic forms that are "innies" will become "outies" as it
freezes and expands. If you don't want as much as a gallon, decant into
other plastic containers (leave 10% headspace) and put the lid on loosely
until it freezes.

We buy 3-4 gallons whenever we go to the store (we hates shopping, we hates
it!), decant and freeze it for up to 2 months.

Marie Martinek
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. USA