Kitchen Collecting?
On Mon, 14 May 2007 09:09:59 -0400, "Nancy Young" >
>"rosie" > wrote
>>On May 14, 7:52?am, "Nancy Young" > wrote:
>>> I keep a handful of those condiment packets that come with
>>> chinese food, this for no apparent reason except I actually
>>> ran out of soy sauce once and used a couple.
>>I collect chickens and roosters! Have them all over the kitchen, also
>>a rooster rug!
>Oh! Thanks for reminding me, I have a cast iron doorstop
>coming ... it's a hen with chicks. I know. Too darned
>precious. Heh. I'm sick of holding the door open with a chair.
LOL! A brick works for me :-) OK, OK, it's covered with a tulip
motif stitched plastic canvas my mother made for me :-)))))
>I do collect salt and pepper shakers, mostly shaped like
>vegetables. Yup, I even have garlic.
I'm in the process of decluttering from holding onto things for far
too long. It's a good feeling. Recommended. I try not to collect
ANYTHING. But extra cash, of course! And compliments and kisses for
those occasional bleak days ;-)