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wff_ng_7 wff_ng_7 is offline
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Default Name That Tool #2 & #3

"Nexis" > wrote:
> My guess would be pressure cookers...since my grandmother had one that was
> pretty darned similar to the larger of the two. Where did you get them, if you
> don't mind my asking? I would be scared to death to use them for pressure
> cooking, but as a display or a vase or something they'd be quite cool.

You're in the wrong thread! ;-) That was in "Name That Tool #1".

Those two are pressure cookers. I got them on eBay a while ago, the first one
maybe two years ago and the second one about a year ago.

They come up for sale every once in a while on eBay. There's currently one for
sale at an exhorbitant price:

I didn't pay a tenth of what that person wants for either of mine. I got my
first big one for about $27 and the second smaller one for about $10. Plus
shipping, of course.

If you do a search for "cast iron" "pressure cooker" and select search title and
description, you'll find them. But the first one I got wasn't listed as a
pressure cooker since the seller didn't know what it was. I came across it by
accident. You tend to get better deals when the seller has no idea what an item
is, and when people can't find it due to the description being inaccurate. I'm
sure both of mine are worth way more than I paid for them.

wff_ng_7 (at) verizon (dot) net